Improving Comprehension: Part 5

Welcome to the last part of the Reading Comprehension Series!

If you're just joining us, check out parts 1-4 to get up to date!
Part 1: Research and Questions
Part 2: Purpose and Methods
Part 3: Evidence from the Classroom
Part 4: Results and Conclusions

So, what does all of this mean for my future classrooms, and what can I do next?

We all know that the best way to figure out if something works is to TRY IT! Throughout my time here in the UAE working solely with ELL students, I have tested out a lot of theories and tried a lot of new things. As educators, we are always learning, so there is no need for me to stop! A next step for me will be taking what I have learned in this isolated setting and figuring out what it means for ELL students in Canada. I think there is a big difference between ELL students that only interact with other ELL students and ELL students immersed in a classroom full of native English speakers. There are different challenges to both, but there are also many things from this experience and this inquiry that I can take back with me.

The first thing that I will take back with me is the acknowledgement of how hard it must be to be an ELL student; especially when your first language is written from right to left with a completely different alphabet and sounds! Patience is our best friend, even more so with ELL students.

The next steps for me include:

  • finding other ways to effectively teach vocabulary to ELL students including cloze reading passages, repeated readings and frequent shared reading
  • looking more closely at reading achievement in fiction texts compared to non-fiction texts for ELL students
  • continue to find ways to motivate students to read on a regular basis, remembering that I did not form a love of reading until university!
Thank you so much for staying tuned to this reading series, and if you would like to see the full presentation in it's entirety and with more detail you can click the link before.

Thanks again! :) 

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