Five For Friday: Summer Edition!

Freedom!! Well, almost...
I'm excited about linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching again for this weeks Five For Friday Linky Party!

School is almost out! Well, kind of. As I mentioned before our school came to an abrupt end on June 2nd, pushing our last day from June 24th. Now we are still required to be at school until June 30th! I've just been working away on my last course to become a Reading Specialist in Ontario. Then I will be TpTing, which I am looking forward to!!!

I am moving back to Canada in 18 days! Mixed emotions. I am super excited to go home, but also a little scared of what it will be like! Here's a blog post that shares my feelings on the subject and what I think it's going to be like moving home..

As you might know (related to #1) I've been writing a reading comprehension series about how to improve comprehension in ELL students. If you'd like to check it out, click the picture below! Part 5 will be published later today, and next week I will be sharing the completed Prezi I've been working on to present all the information.

 I'm super excited to start my guest blogger posts at the end of June! There will be a new post each Wednesday from an international teacher somewhere in the world. So far we have about 11 contributors from South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia! Stop by each Wednesday and check out the featured classroom of the week! Look for the hashtag #worldwidewednesdays !

Are you an international teacher? Leave me a comment!

I can't wait to continue working on my Grade 3 interactive Math units to add to what I already have. I will be working on them throughout the summer in hopes of having an entire year ready by September! Stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Best of luck on your move back and your new position! Both of my parents are from Ontario, and I love visiting Canada!

  2. Well, you wouldn't want life to be boring, and your's isn't :) I live an hour from the Ambassador Bridge and have lots of relatives in Ontario! Welcome Home! Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

    1. Thanks!! I live about 2 hours from there. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I will definitely check back to read from guest bloggers all over the world! That is such a great idea!
