Five For Friday 
It's that time again! I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for their weekly linky party!

 Well, school's almost OUT! School was supposed to end on June 23rd, and we just got notice that it is ending NEXT WEEK on June 2nd before Ramadan begins! I now have one week of school left!! How did this happen???

 I'm currently visiting Lebanon for the weekend. Pictures to come soon! What will I do when I move home and can't visit other countries on the weekends??? I'm so excited for the food!

this recipe and more on my blog Girl Interrupted Eating <a href="" rel="nofollow">
We completed our Solar System projects, and they turned out so well! I was happy to see the variation in projects - sometimes they see one thing and they all do the same, but this time they were a little more creative!


We started book club last week and the kids were loving it! I only wish we had time to see how it would play out... But now with school ending so abruptly, sadly we won't get the chance. :( Thanks to Kristine Nannini for this awesome {and FREE}  Book Club Reading Strategies pack! I printed it into a cute little booklet. We used it to support our other resources.

So excited to make their schedule and choose their roles!

Using post-its while reading, SUCCESS!

Sharing in a group discussion and working on our English!

I have started a new collaborative board on Pinterest! It is for ESL, ELL and EFL resources and ideas. Please follow me on Pinterest and then send me an email if you'd like to join!

I am also looking for GUEST BLOGGERS! If you are teaching internationally and would like to share about your experience and showcase your classroom, please email me at or leave a comment below. I'd love to have you!!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Enjoy your last week! Your solar system projects turned out great.

  2. HI Linsay. Whoa- you got one week notice of one week left??? Never heard of such a thing. It's not all bad, but good luck in your last week scramble. And hey, think what your students could have done with their solar system reports and a HUE Animation Studio... and then come and win my giveaway!! See you around and enjoy your weekend away! Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom
